Versions Compared


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There are three types of operators that can be used in programs:

Calculation Operator

In the table below, the calculation result assumes variable A is 3 (0000 0000 0000 0011), and the variable B is 4 (0000 0000 0000 0100).







Bitwise invert

~ A

Each bit of A (0000 0000 0000 0011b) is inverted. The result is 1111 1111 1111 1100b.



A + B

Adds A and B. The result is 7.



A -- B

Subtracts B from A. The result is -1.



A * B

Multiplies A and B. The result is 12.



A / B

Divides A with B. The result is 0.75.



A % B

Indicates the remainder from the division of A with B. The result is 3.


Bitwise AND

A & B

Bitwise logical AND calculation of A and B. The result is 0.


Bitwise OR

A | B

Bitwise logical OR calculation of A and B. The result is 0111b (= 7).


Bitwise XOR

A ^ B

Bitwise logical XOR calculation of A and B. The result is 0111b (= 7).


Bitwise Shift Left

A << B

Shifts the bits of A to the left as much as B. The rightmost part is filled with 0. The result is 0011 0000b (= 48).


Bitwise Shift Right

A >> B

Shifts the bits of A to the right as much as B. The leftmost part is filled with 0. The result is 0.

Logical/Comparative Operator

In the table shown below, the calculation result assumes that variable A is 1 (True) and variable B is 0 (False). In Canvas, the values other than 0 are all processed as True. Only 0 is recognized as False.







Logical AND

A && B

If value in variables A and B are true, the result is 1. If it is false, the result is 0.


Logical OR

A || B

If value in variables A and B are false, the result is 0. In other cases, the result is 1.

Less than

A < B

If A is smaller than B, the result is 1. In other cases, the result is 0.

Greater than

A > B

If A is greater than B, the result is 1. In other cases, the result is 0.

<= or =<

Less than or equal to

A <= B

If A is smaller than or equal to B, the result is 1. In other cases, the result is 0.

>= or =>

Greater than or equal to

A >= B

If A is greater than or equal to B, the result is 1. In other cases, the result is 0.


Equal to

A == B

If A is equal to B, the result is 1. In other cases, the result is 0.


Is not equal to

A != B

If A is not B, the result is 1. In other cases, the result is 0.

Other Operator







A = B

Stores the value in variable B to variable A and uses it as a result.
