I/O Devices
Set up communication between the Xpanel and other devices:
2. Select [New Device] in the ‘I/O Device Configuration’ dialog box. Enter the ‘I/O Device Name’, then select the ‘I/O Device Type’ (Ethernet or Serial).
Serial Communication Configuration
After selecting [Serial Device] on the ‘I/O Device Selection’ dialog box, the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box will pop up as shown below.
Configure the proper communication parameters.
1. Communication Port
Device Type: Select the communication protocol.
Initialize the Tx Frame When Timeout Occurs: Initialize the sending frame when a Time Out occurs.
2. Station
Move to the [Station] tab of the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box, and configure the proper parameters.
16Bit Data Swap: This option swaps bytes for all word- or double-word-sized data. The following diagram shows an example of byte-swapping:
Almost all data types will be influenced by this option except INT8 / UINT8 / BCD8 / UBCD8.
32Bit Data Swap: This option swaps words of all double-word-sized data. The following diagram shows an example of word swapping:
Tag values with data types INT32 / UINT32 / BCD32 / UBDC32 / FLOAT will be influenced by this option.
String Data Swap: Swaps the upper and lower bytes of string word data.
Using CheckSum: Use a CheckSum in the communication protocol.
Comm. Error Message Pop Up: Use a pop-up message when a communication error occurs.
Ethernet Communication Configuration
After selecting [Ethernet Device] on the ‘I/O Device Selection’ dialog box, the ‘Ethernet Communication Configuration’ dialog box will pop up as shown below.
Configure the proper communication parameters.
1. Communication Port
Device Type: Select the communication protocol.
Initialize the Tx Frame When Timeout Occurs: Initialize the sending frame when a Time Out occurs.
2. Station
Move to the [Station] tab of the ‘Ethernet Communication Configuration’ dialog box, and configure the proper parameters.