Create a new device | To configure the communication device of LSIS PLC, Select [Tools] → [I/O Device] in the menu or click on the I/O Device Name: Type the device name to identify the equipment. This name will be used in the tag configuration window of the database accompanied by the ‘Station Name’. |
Select a device type | After clicking [Ok] in the previous step, the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box will appear. Select ‘LSIS XGT/XGB Series PLC Cnet’ as the ‘Device Type’, and configure the parameters accordingly. Comm. Port: COM1 Select a communication port to communicate. This example shows you selecting the COM1 port. Baud rate: 38,400 Parity: None Data bits: 8 bits Stop bits: 1 bit RTS/CTS: OFF This example doesn’t use RTS-CTS control. Comm. Type: RS232 This example shows communication via RS-232C. Retry No.: 3 If communication failed with the devices, it will try to reconnect 3 times. Time Out: 30 The time out count will be 30 seconds. Using Dial Up Modem: Not Select This item can be chosen only when using the Dial Up modem. See the Communication Configuration section for more information. |
Create a station | Move to the [Station] tab of the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box and click the [Add Station] button. The ‘Station’ dialog box will pop up. Configure the contents and click the [OK] button. Station Name: ST When the device number exceeds two, the station number is used to differentiate between the devices on the Xpanel. Station Type: XGT Series Network ID: This field has no effect. Station No.: 0 When field equipment number exceeds two, they are assigned different station numbers to differentiate between the devices. 16Bit Data Swap: This field has no effect. 32Bit Data Swap: This field has no effect. Using Checksum: This field has no effect. Comm. Error Message Pop Up: When this item is checked, Xpanel displays a communication error message box for every Rx and Tx error. Otherwise (unchecked), Xpanel does not display a message for communication errors. This message box will close automatically after a few seconds. See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters. |