Station Name | Give a name to the PLC. This name will be used in the database window accompanied by the ‘Device Name’. |
Station Type | Choose the ‘SLC500/MicroLogix’ (no other type can be selected). |
Network ID | This field has no meaning in this driver (ignored in runtime). |
Station No. | This number must be matched with the one of PLC. |
16Bit Data Swap | This field has no meaning in this driver. |
32Bit Data Swap | This field has no meaning in this driver. |
String Data Swap | This field has no meaning in this driver. |
Using Checksum | This field has no meaning in this driver. |
Comm. Error Message Pop Up | When this item is checked, Xpanel displays a communication error message box for every Rx and Tx error. Otherwise (unchecked), Xpanel does not display a message for communication errors. This message box will close automatically after a few seconds. |
See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters.