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Create a new Device

To configure the communication device of Melsec 1C (ACPU, AnA/AnU CPU) PLC, select [Tools] → [I/O Devices], or click the (blue star) icon in the main toolbar. The ‘I/O Device Configuration’ dialog box will pop up.

Click the [New Device] button to open the ‘I/O Device Selection’ dialog box.

I/O Device Name: MEL

In the case that there are various kinds of field equipment, type a device name to identify each equipment. The string “MEL” of this item will be shown up in the selection list of I/O devices when you register a tag. Xpanel can communicate with various kinds of equipment simultaneously by identifying the equipment’s name. The value saved as a tag is the compound string of a device name and station name such as “MEL.ST” (“MEL” is a device name, and “ST" is a station name). It is used as a unique identifier in the Xpanel project.

I/O Device Selection: Serial device

You can select field equipment and a communication type. Select one according to the communication method of the selected device.

Select a device type


After clicking the [Ok] button on the previous step, the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box will pop up.

This example shows you selecting ‘MITSUBISHI Melsec 1C (AnA/AnU CPU)’, but you can select ‘MITSUBISHI 1C (ACPU)’ as well.

I/O Device type: ' MITSUBISHI Melsec 1C (AnA/AnU CPU) '

Comm. Port: COM1

This example uses COM1 port. If you want to use other ports, select one in the combo box.

Baud rate: 19,200

Select the communication speed for the equipment. The configuration of the communication speed of Xpanel must be the same as the configuration of the equipment. If the speed of the configurations of the two sides is different, they will not communicate with each other.

Parity: None

Data bits: 8 Bits

Stop bits: 1 Bit


This example uses RTS-CTS control always ON doing.

Comm. Type: RS232

This example selects RS-232C communication.

When using RS-422 communication select RS422. When using RS-485 communication, select RS485.

Retry No.: 3

If communication failed with the devices, it will try to reconnect 3 times.

Time Out: 30

The time out count will be 30 seconds.

Using Dial Up Modem: Not Select

This item can be chosen only when using the Dial Up modem.

See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters.

Create a station

Move to the [Station] tab of the ‘Serial Communication Configuration’ dialog box. Click the [Add Station] button to open the ‘Station' dialog box. Please configure the following contents, then click the [Ok] button.

Station Name: ST

When the field equipment number exceeds two, the station name is used for differentiation of the field equipment at the internal Xpanel.

It is expressed as “Device.Station” in the internal Xpanel. This example shows “MEL.ST”.

Station Type: AnA/AnU

Network ID: This field has no effect.

Station No.: 0

When the field equipment number exceeds two, it is assigned a different station number. The station number must be the same as configured in the field equipment, otherwise, they will not communicate.

Socket Port No.: 2005

The exclusive use of GLOFA Enet supporting socket number is TCP 2004, UDP 2005.

16Bit Data Swap: This field has no effect.

32Bit Data Swap: This field has no effect.

Using Checksum: This field has no effect.

Comm. Error Message Pop Up: When this item is checked, Xpanel displays a communication error message box for every Rx and Tx error. Otherwise (unchecked), Xpanel does not display a message for communication errors. This message box will close automatically after a few seconds.

See the Communication Configuration section for more information about the remaining parameters.

Configuration of PLC Communication module: AJ71UC24
