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Applying Communication Driver Files

Overwrite the following three files in the C:\CIMON\XpanelDesigner 2.53.

1. EtherDriver.dll

Copy and paste the following files into the C:\CIMON\XpanelDesigner 2.53\ARM\Drv path.

1. ABLogicEtherNetIP.dll

Communication Setup: Allen Bradley Logix PLC

First, open the project with the desired tags in the Allen Bradley Studio 5000 software. A file with “.L5X” extension must be created in order to import the tags into XpanelDesigner. To create the L5X file, follow the steps below:

  1. Click [File] - [Save As]. This will open a file browser to save the L5X file.

  2. Go to the desired file directory.

  3. Enter the file name for the L5X file.

  4. Choose ‘Logix Designer XML File (*.L5X)’ in the ‘Save as type' dropdown menu.

  5. Click [Save].


Communication Setup: Xpanel

Create a new device by clicking [Tools] - [ I/O Device] or clicking the (blue star) icon in the toolbar. Once the I/O device configuration window appears, follows the steps below:

  1. Click [New Device].

  2. Name the I/O device with a desired name.

  3. Choose ‘Ethernet Device' from the 'I/O Device Type’.

  4. Click [Ok]


(blue star) Only one ‘Allen Bradley Logix EtherNet/IP’ Device is allowed per Xpanel, but the ‘Allen Bradley Logix EtherNet/IP’ Device can have multiple stations.

Once the Ethernet Communication Configuration window appears, follow the steps below:

  1. Choose ‘Allen Bradley Logix EtherNet/IP’ as the ‘Device Type’.


Move to the [Station] tab of the ‘Ethernet Communication Configuration’ dialog box and select [Add Station]. When the station configuration dialog box appears, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the desired station name.

  2. Enter the IP address of the Logix controller.


To import tags, a file with '.L5X' extension must be chosen. Click the (blue star) button to select an L5X file created from Allen Bradley Logix software. Once the button is clicked, the file browser will appear and choose the desired L5X file.


Once L5X file is selected, the 'Add Tags' dialog box will appear. To create a set of tags to the tag database, follow the steps below:

1. Select the desired tags on the left-side list.

a) To select multiple tags: press [ctrl] and click on the desired tags.

b) To select all tags: click on the first tag on the list and scroll down to the last tag on the list, then press [shift] and click on the last tag.

2. Click [>>] to import the selected tags to the right-side list.

3. If a tag needs to be removed from the imported list on the right side, click on the tag to be removed and click [<<] .

4. Select all the tags listed on the imported tag list (right-side).

5. Right click on the selected tags and click [Create tag]. This will create the tags in the tag database with corresponding tag types.

6. Once finished with importing tags, click [Ok] to save the imported tags.


After clicking [Ok] in the station configuration dialog box, a station will be created under the EIP device as shown in the figure below. Click [Save] to save the steps performed above.


Data Type Support

Xpanel supports the following tag data type:

  • BOOL

  • SINT

  • INT

  • DINT

  • REAL


It also supports the above data types that are 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional. However, it does not support Logix data structures, which includes Module-Defined data types, Predefined data types (with the exception of STRING), Add-On-Defined data types, and User-Defined data types.

*User defined STRING type is not supported. Only the default Logix STRING data type (allowing a maximum of 82 characters) is supported.

Notes About Alias Tags

When using alias tags, the tag that is being pointed to should be a port on I/O module. Also, an alias tag cannot point to another alias tag.

Notes About Supported Models

This driver can only be used at the ARM core models. Not supported PC based CM-NP/iNP series.