Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Store these values to the non-volatile flash memory with the ‘SAVE’ command. Then turn off the power.

 Please refer to PMAC’s manual for more information.


Create a New Device

For creating a new device, go to [Tools] - [I/O Devices] or click on the (blue star) icon in the toolbar.

The following images shows the first step of creating a new device.

I/O Device Name: Give a device name. This name will be used in the Tag configuration window of the database accompanied by the Station Name.

Select a Device Type

After selecting [Ok] in the previous step, the ‘Serial Communication configuration’ dialog box will show up.

Select ‘DELTA TAU PMAC Drive’ in the Device Type dropdown menu. Then configure the proper serial communication parameters . (9600bps, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit recommended).

Create a Station

Move to the [Station] tab of the 'Serial Communication Configuration' dialog box. In this dialog box, all the connected PLC stations can be configured and registered to the Xpanel.

Station Name: Give a name to the PLC. This name will be used in the database window, accompanied by the Device Name.

Station Type: Choose the ‘PMAC-Once Device’ (no other type can be selected).

Network ID: This field has no effect.

Station No.: Specify a number between 0 and 15.

16bits Data Swap: This field has no effect.

32bits Data Swap: This field has no effect.

String Data Swap: This field has no effect.

Using Checksum: This field has no effect.

Comm. Error Message pop Up: If this item is checked, Xpanel displays a communication error message at every Rx and Tx error. Otherwise, Xpanel does not display an error message. However, if there is an error when writing a tag value to the station value, the notification message will pop up. This message box automatically closes after 5 seconds.


The address of a Tag in Xpanel has the following format.


  • Address: decimal number between 0 and 8191.

  • All the addresses can be used with the digital TAGtag. The value of zero (0) is treated as OFF and other values are treated as ON in Xpanel.
