Item | Description |
Name | Designate a name to for the object. You cannot use spaces in the object’s name. |
Type | Indicates the type of object. |
Item | Description |
Style | Composed of [Position/Size] and [Line/Fill] tabs. |
Visible | Shows or hides the object according to the tag value. |
Blink | Blinks in a certain cycle according to the tag value. |
V/H-Size | Changes the size of the object vertically/horizontally according to the tag value. |
V/H-Move | Moves the object vertically/horizontally according to the tag value. |
Color | Changes the color of the object according to the tag value. |
Rotate | Rotates the object with the assigned angle according to the tag value. |
Touch | Executes a defined operation when the object is pressed or released. |
EntryData | Inputs data with data entry window when the object is pressed. |
Tag Value | Show the configuration window of the Dynamic Tag object. |
※ Please refer to the 'Object Configuration' manual for more information.