Item | Description |
| Opens the ['Project] ' configuration box for the current project. |
| Opens the [Database] ‘Database’ window. |
| Opens the [POWEL Configuration] ‘POWEL Configuration’ window. |
| Opens the ['I/O Device Configuration] ' dialog box. |
| Opens the [Alarm Configuration] ‘Alarm Configuration’ window. |
| Opens the [Security Configuration] ‘Security Configuration’ window. |
| Opens the ['Data Logging] ' configuration window. |
| Opens the ['Script] ' configuration window. |
| Opens the ['String] ' configuration window. |
| Opens the ['Data Server] ' configuration window. |
| Opens the ['Recipe] ' configuration window. |
| Opens the ['Data Bridge] ' configuration window. |
| Downloads the project to Xpanel according to the connection method. |
| Opens the ['CIMON-POWEL Help] ' window. |
| Executes PC runtime with the connected Cimon TOUCH PC. |